
My name is Sharayah and I practice the healing art of Reiki. “Rey-key” is the Japanese word for the loving presence of universal life force energy. This energy animates all living beings, and it is through our connection to it, that we have clarity, healing, acceptance and peace.

How can Reiki benefit you?

Reiki is a hands-on energetic and spiritually connected modality. It works to relax the central nervous system and in doing so, brings about healing changes. Most of us are living in the chronic stress of fight, flight, freeze or in other words, survival, making it difficult for the body, mind and spirit to repair itself. When a person has Reiki, it allows the nervous system to come back to a place of calm, peace, centeredness and wisdom. This is where all of our innate healing lives.

*Down below, I have posted a few publications of personal interest if you wish to find out more information about Reiki and how it has been studied in clinical settings.

National Institute of Health, Australia

Journal of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine

Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine

The Atlantic


I studied at the Reiki Colorado Academy in Boulder, Colorado where I received 2 years of quality education including 1.5 years of master training. I was Certified Reiki Master and Teacher in Fall of 2022.

I am currently studying under Dutch Reiki Master, Frans Steine to be become certified as a traditional Japanese Reiki Master. His organization is the International House of Reiki.

I have been blessed to receive 20+ business reviews and testimonies of my work across varying platforms.


I offer in-person Reiki sessions in my Fort Collins office. Please remember, healing is a journey not a destination. One session is not going to cure all of your problems. It will however, open the door within you to explore who you are, where you want to go, and who you want to be in the world.

If you genuinely want to schedule a session, please do me the favor of being fully committed to the idea. Do not waste my time or yours by scheduling if you do not plan to follow through on your appointment.

Reiki for adults* by the hour: $90**

For couples Reiki: $150 for 1.5 hours

*If you would like your child to receive Reiki, please give me a call and I will walk you through my process of how we can support your child together.

**$10 off if you are a United States Veteran or University Student with ID

“Sharayah combines her extensive energy training across several modalities with her expansive intuitive guidance and wisdom to create the safe, healing space for everything that is ready to go to arise and be released.  For this, I am so grateful. Thank you, Sharayah for your sacred YES and answering the call.”

-Jami Alley

I’ve been featured in a few publications

Voyager Colorado